V.A. - 415-PR22

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【当店人気盤、待望の再入荷!!】Tim Sweeney、Mike Simonetti、Woolfy、Jacques Renault、Mark E、Jee Day、Khotin、Earth Boys、Mark Eなど、もれなくすべてのカタログが好評を博してきたサンフランシスコのEugene Whang主宰[Public Release]。今回はRichard Sen、Tim Sweeney、Earth Boysらに並んで日本からFran-Key(!!)も参加した選りすぐりの6曲入りEP。大充実、大推薦の一枚です!!

Every so often Public Release takes a snapshot along their discography timeline, to pause and recognize the various artists that represent the past, present and future of where the label sits. The last such release was in 2016, and four years, twelve releases later it’s time for another marker. This EP pools together six exclusive tracks from their global family, some on the PR roster for the very first time. From the beautifully addictive melodies by Tendts and Metropolitan Soul Museum, brooding baselines and synths from Richard Sen and Tim Sweeney, to the ecstatic floor energy produced by Fran-key and Earth Boys, the range presented here is impressive. Equally enjoyable as an abbreviated album, or as singular tracks at your service.

Artist: V.A.
Title: 415-PR22
Label: Public Release
Format: 12"

A1: Tendts - Slice the Top
A2: Richard Sen - Abstract Dance
A3: Tim Sweeney - 8th & Broadway
B1: Earth Boys - Eboys 2020
B2: Fran-key - Summer into Winter
B3: Metropolitan Soul Museum - Stoneman


入荷日: 2020年10月14日
販売価格 1,390円(税込)
型番 PR22