毎回大好評の[G.A.M.M.]、今回は'00年代前半からSpiritual South名義でも活躍してきたデュオがラテン/ブラジル/アフロ路線のファンク・ナンバーをDJフレンドリーにリエディット。現場を熱く賑わしてくれそうな一枚に仕上がっています!
After a way long and overdue pause with music the Sugarloaf Gangsters duo is back again where they belong...on GAMM!
Mark & Cliffy aka Sugarloaf Gangsters have a long history with Brazilian and world inspired dance music and have that magic touch when it comes to spotting rare tunes that needs their signature rework style.
The A side 'Temarasa' literally explodes from the first breakbeat with a big Brazilian funk-jazz monster, peak time music.
The flip is all about the drum! 'Chor Gway' is an African style percussive jam that's got everything from crazy chants, sound efx and DJ friendly tempo changes.
Artist: Sugarloaf Gangsters
Title: Temarasa / Chor Gway
Label: G.A.M.M.
Format: 12"
A1: Temarasa
B1: Chor Gway
入荷日: 2020年07月02日