Chaos In The CBD & Friends - Emotional Intelligence / It's Up To Me

イタリアの古参Volcovが主宰する[Neroli]の最新作(Patrick Gibin & Kaidi Tatham feat. Josh Milan - Love To The World)の入荷に併せて2019年末に出ていたこちらもご紹介。 手掛けるのは、南ロンドンの人気デュオChaos In The CBD。あのNathan Hainesをフィーチャーしたジャジーなディープ・ハウスのA面、Joe Armon-JonesやLee Pearson Jnrなどをフィーチャーした柔らかく温かいフィーリングに満ちたハウスのB面、どちらも聴くほどに沁み込んでくるような内容で最高です。音質も良好、特に店頭で大好評を得ている当店大推薦の一枚です!

The dynamic NZ brother duo, known from Mule Musiq, Rhythm Section and their own In Dust We Trust, joins Volcov’s NEROLI imprint for a superb collaborative EP of highly emotional music!
‘Emotional Intelligence’ fills the A side seeing them team up saxophonist and fellow kiwi jazz legend Nathan Haines and South London’s own Dave Koor aka. Modified Man. On the flipside they join forces with Chicago’s Lee Pearson Jnr (known for his writing for Larry Heard), K. LaDawn on vocals and rising star Joe Armon-Jones on keys.

Artist: Chaos In The CBD & Friends
Title: Emotional Intelligence / It's Up To Me
Label: Neroli
Format: 12"

A1: Emotional Intelligence
B1: It's Up To Me (Vocal)
B2: It's Up To Me (Instrumental)


販売価格 2,400円(税込)
型番 NERO047
在庫状況 残り1枚

