Mad Professor - Covidub Illusion - Dub You Crazy 20-22

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CoviDub is not just a Dub album, but an album that historically tracks and records the unprecedented events of 2020 to 2022 when the world was shut down, when many countries became islands and many islands became isolated planets!! Reflecting an era where false news eclipse real news, a time when social media is more effective than the official media. Yet within these serious times racism still prevails and present day Rasta fails to fulfill Marcus dreams of Black unity. This is an album for folks who think out of the box. Let’s take the piss out of the hypocrites!!

Artist: Mad Professor
Title: Covidub Illusion - Dub You Crazy 20-22
Label: Ariwa
Format: LP

A1: Fake News Dub
A2: Romaniac Dub
A3: Covid Illusion Dub
A4: African Exiles Dub
A5: Crazy Bantu Dub
A6: Rasta Deception
A7: Runaway Slave

B1: Beam Me Up
B2: Herd Immunity
B3: Catalyst Dub Effect
B4: Emancipation Dub
B5: Tricks Of Babylon
B6: On The Bank Of Euphrates
B7: Fortaleza Dance
B8: Dance When You Are Free

販売価格 3,090円(税込)
型番 ARILP320

