Rune Lindbaek - Edits

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Seems our favourite light-fingered Norwegian Cut-N-Paste maestro has been busy of late !
With his Cosmic Oslo debut about to land, we're treated here to a SUPER Limited 4-way of secret weapons from the cupboard of delights...

As ever with Rune, we're going off-piste, but into nevertheless inviting dancefloor territory.

A 70's cheeser hides in plain sight until the last minute pay off alongside a slick, mid-Eighties Japanese gem on the A.

On the B, another Japanese favourite is reworked for maximum dancefloor derangement while an Iberian throbber finishes us off in fine style !

Be quick !

Artist: Rune Lindbaek
Title: Edits
Label: RLE
Format: 12"

A1: Freddie's Room
A2: Danza Del Piano
B1: Seiko 1978
B2: Luca Y Camilo


販売価格 2,090円(税込)
型番 RLE1