Faith Magazineはイギリスで発行されているハウスを中心としたフリー・マガジンです。毎回フリーとは思えないヴォリュームがあり(※今回は90ページ弱)、すべて英語とはいえパラっと見るだけでも楽しめるのではと思います。
"My musical philosophy comes from outside of music. I’m influenced by unpredictability."
With a documentary feature Desire: The Carl Craig Story doing the rounds, and his sonic and spatial installation Party / After Party making waves, as well as a production and remix back catalogue that is frankly as unbelievable in its volume as it is in its creativity…Carl Craig is a genuine Faith house hero.
For our Spring 2025 issue we welcome Carl to the cover of Faith. A six-page feature on C2 from Lily Moayeri heads up our deep dive into Detroit and just some of the key players, records and clubs that shaped the electronic side of the Motor City.
We explore the influence of The Electrifying Mojo and club DJ Ken Collier, alongside Jeff Mills, Stacey Hotwaxx Hale and DJ Minx, recent talents Rimarkable and Wajeed, The Music Institute and so much more.
Outside of our Detroit mini-section we speak to musclecars, Graeme Park, Colin Dale, Philippa, Midland and many others in this very special Spring issue.
Thanks to all of our contributors and advertisers for once again making the issue happen.
Keep The Faith.
入荷日: 2025年03月11日